Friday, 10 February 2012

How to increase the amount PPC

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most cost effective (and just plain effective) ways to get laser-targeted traffic to your website. For just pennies per click you can have your offer placed in front of only those people who are truly interested in what you have to offer.
There is a problem with PPC however. Return On Investment (ROI) can be quite low if your ad campaigns aren’t designed properly. In a nutshell, you need to make sure that enough people who click on your ad make a purchase to allow you to end up with a healthy overall profit!

The success of a PPC campaign is typically measured in terms of the cost per action. This equals how each sale or sales lead costs in terms of PPC spending. Another important measurement is revenue generated. We'll discuss each PPC issue in terms of its effect on either the cost per action or revenue.

First, a PPC primer: PPC advertising is the method by which a company shows up in the "sponsored links" or "sponsored results" section of the search engine results when conducting a keyword search. It is also known as paid placement because, with PPC, the advertiser can pay the search engine to be placed in the top spot. Advertisers bid competitively based on who is willing to pay the most each time someone clicks their search engine advertisement. So, if three companies all want to show up for the keyword "used cars," the company that is willing to pay the most per click usually shows up in first position, and only pays when a searcher actually clicks the ad and visits the website.
Here are a few tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your PPC ad campaigns:
1 – Write clear and concise ad copy that tells the potential customers EXACTLY what they will find after the link is clicked. Since you have to pay cash for each and every click, you want to limit the clicks to those people who are truly interested in what you’re offering!
2 – Be creative with the keywords but be precise in the ad copy. While you want the ad copy to be very precise in describing your offer, you want as many people as possible to see the ad in the first place.
Using several variations of the wording in your key phrases and synonyms for your keywords you can ensure that your ad will be displayed for a wide variety of search terms. Then your laser-targeted ad copy will “weed out” those who just aren’t interested in your particular offer.
3 – Link the ad to the EXACT landing page of the offer described in the ad, NEVER to your home page. If your prospects have to search for a link to the offer, they simply won’t do it in most cases. The web is all about instant gratification, and the “back button” is used extensively when people click on a link only to find something that wasn’t described in the ad.
4 – Test, test, and then test some more! The key to maximizing the ROI of any ad campaign is testing, and PPC is no different. Set up test campaigns using various keywords/phrases and different ad copy. Analyze the results after a few days, and then drop the ads that perform poorly and expand the ones that do well.
5 – Experiment with the bid prices for your keywords. For example, you might well find that a bid of $0.35 results in almost as many clicks (and customers) as a bid of $0.55! This means you save 20 cents on each and every click! Remember, your ad doesn’t have to be displayed in the top position for it to be effective.
Improving PPC Performance
First Issue: Low Conversion Rate
The problems covered in this series go in order of importance, i.e. starting with the worst problems to have, ending with the problems that have less negative impact. Based on this, the first problem we'll discuss is a low conversion rate. The conversion rate equals the percentage of visitors that perform a desired action, typically a shopping cart sale, or generate a sales lead via an online email form, such as a contact us or request information/quote/consultation. The formula for conversion rate is "# of actions / # of clicks." So, if you had 1000 clicks to the site, and this traffic resulted in 10 sales, this equals a 1% conversion rate. Every conceivable action on a web site has a conversion rate, e.g. how many people visit your homepage and signup for a newsletter, how many people purchase a product from your shopping cart, etc.
The effect of a low conversion rate is a high cost per action. There is an inversely proportional relationship between the two. All other factors being equal, the lower the conversion rate the higher the cost per action. The lower the conversion rate, the more clicks it takes before a successful action on the site, and therefore more money must be spent on clicks. The effect of a high cost per action is less profit or even no profit, so this issue can have a rapid and dramatic impact to the bottom line.
What to Do About It

The first thing to do, before you can even improve your conversion rate, is to actually measure it. Both Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture) offer free conversion tracking. There are also commercial conversion tracking software programs out there, which we've covered in an article on web site conversion tracking. In order to measure the profitability of only your PPC efforts, the free offerings mentioned above are sufficient.

Once you've purchased enough clicks to determine your real conversion rate, which is from 100 to 1000 clicks, you may find that your rate is too low for desired profitability. Good conversion rates vary dramatically by industry, product, service, etc. The more specialized your product, service or industry niche, the higher the expected conversion rate, and vice versa. The general range of "good" conversion rates is from 3% to 15%. If your conversion rate is much lower than this, and your cost per action is too high, then your conversion rate is too low, keeping in mind that there may be other issues affecting your cost per action as well.

Once you determine that your conversion rate is too low, there are a few potentially quick fixes to the problem:

* Send PPC visitors to the best page for that particular keyword. If you have an ecommerce site, and are bidding on an actual product or brand name, send the visitors to the actual product page vs. the homepage. If you are targeting a unique market segment with a particular keyword, create a page that specifically addresses the problems and needs of that market.

* Make sure that there are clear "call to actions" on the "landing" page that your visitors see first when they click on your ad. This might include your company contact information or a lead generation form that is "above the fold," meaning that you don't have to scroll down on the page to see it.

* Write the content on your site so that it succinctly and passionately addresses the problems that your customers have and why your product or service solves them, including testimonials showing that you've solved these kinds of problems before. Avoid lengthy descriptions of your methodology, or company background/credentials on the PPC landing page. Put these in an "about us" or "company" section of the site.

* Conduct competitive research to make sure that your prices and features are as good as or better than the competition.

* Conduct competitive research and come up with a unique price point or other benefit that differentiates you from the competition.

If your PPC efforts aren't yielding the fruit of profitability, then the first place to look is your conversion rate. To determine if your conversion rate is good or bad, you'll have to know your desired cost per action, or CPA. If your conversion rate is too low, then there are a number of things to look at that may help raise your rate. As you can tell from the list above, this is one of the harder issues to overcome, because the potential solutions comprise a broad range, making the right solution difficult to find. The good news is this: raise your conversion rate and you will increase the profitability of your PPC efforts. There may be additional issues that are adding to your cost and/or keeping your sales low, but, if your conversion rate is too low, then efforts in other areas of your campaign may either not work, or could even end up costing you more money in the long run.

Learn how to Invest and Make Money by Investing

If you are interested in learning the fundamentals of investing, you have come to the right place. Our primary mission is to educate the people how to invest in the stock market and other investment opportunities.
The information here will help you to better understand the stock trading and other investment vehicles. I will teach you how to invest your money for the greatest possible gains while reducing the associated risks in the stock market and other investing opportunities.
The lessons I have learned during my investment career are passed on here to help guide you through the sometimes confusing world of the stock market. This information will give you the knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions regarding your portfolio.
I know there are many people out there who want to learn how to invest, but are apprehensive because they just don't have the education or the background to make informed choices. And admittedly there are many financial websites that you can visit to try to gain a better understanding of stock trading, and investing in general. The advantage here is that I designed this site to be extremely user-friendly with step by step instructions on how to invest that other investing websites do not match.

Many sites have so much information that it is overwhelming, so I am keeping this a common sense, simple to use, free financial site to help people start from scratch and be successful with their investment portfolio. I will show you the things you need to know as you start on this journey and I will be here to help you every step of the way.

How to make money online??

One of the more or less shared dreams in the internet marketing world is to make fast money. Since we’ve been starting this blog, earlier this year, I’ve joined a lot of forums about the ways to make money on the internet. After a couple of months I understood why there are so many people who never manage to make any money online, not to mention making it fast.
This article is not going to teach you anything, it’s not a tutorial for online money making tools, it is just my need to share a few thoughts with you, thoughts about this strange industry where many people don’t think about themselves of doing something, or running a business, but rather they imagine that they make money olnine. So, since all they have to do is money, they don’t do anything else, they just prepare themselves to make money some day. But where’s that day? From time to time, their hard disk becomes full of all ebooks, videos, courses with tips to make money online, so they have to archive those materials on some DVDs which will take their place in the bookcase, pray to dust and forgetfulness.

I must confess that I never made any money online. All that I made were websites. Those websites made me money. Those websites gave me knowledge. That knowledge made me money. The knowledge got me clients. Those clients made me money. As you can see, I made everything but money. Money was a secondary product of my work. OK, I gladly spend this measly residue of my online activity, I enjoy working naked, I thank God every day for not having to drive three hours every day to go to work. This is true: I make money while I sleep. However, this is possible only because of the work I do when I’m awake and because of the 7-10 hours difference between me and those who send online money my way via my ads or my affiliate links.

The Best Way To Make Money With Pay Per Click

You may already know that yesterday a new course which teaches how to make money with pay per click was launched. The teachers are two guys who seem to be quite popular in the “make money online” world: Amit Mehta and Anik Singal. Why do I say they are popular? Simply because over the past three days I received no less than 14 e-mails from various marketers inviting me to buy the new PPC course via their affiliate link and promising me marvelous bonuses. One of those emails really amazed me and made me feel really sad: it was from a guy whose value on my personal scale is far above the value of the PPC Classroom’s authors. I’m not saying any of them is a scammer or doesn’t know what they preach, but this is just how humans work: we do have a hierarchy of people inside our heads, and I surely have mine. When that guy who, in my view, could have given lessons to the other two, sent me that message, he lost a big slice from my confidence in him. However, such things happen all the time. did you know that the average lifespan of members in a membership site is about 3 months?
Back to our pay-per-click sheep, from all those messages promoting this PPC course I understood that the best way of making money with PPC is to wait until somebody launches a course, then go ahead and kill your subscribers list with your messages. Too bad the world is small. Probably there are thousands other people like me, who are subscribed to all the blogs on the internet marketing topic, because they either want to stay updated, or simply because they forgot to unsubscribe. Can you see how small the slice of the pie becomes for each of them?

I Want To Make Money With PPC, But I Can’t Afford To Pay For The Course

This is what I’ve read in a forum this morning. Let me make it clear for you: PPC Classroom is not an expensive course: it is $77 for the first month, plus a monthly subscription of $25 or something like that.
I’m thinking at that poor guy who wanted so badly to try his hand at making money with pay per click, but didn’t have $77 to register. Pay per Click means that you actually have to payto make money. You pay for the clicks, people buy from you, and if at the end of the day you’ve spent $1000 and you made $1100, you can say you made $100 gross profit that day. But first, you have to actually spend the money. Otherwise, there’s no pay per click, there’s no click, there’s no online profit, nothing. And here I described you a happy case of a profitable campaign. What if it was the other way around?

Do Shortcuts Work With Pay Per Click?

You probably are aware of several shortcuts we take in our attempt to rank better, to get more traffic and to make more money online with every day that passes. We use software which transforms already hardly intelligible articles in even harder intelligible articles, software which replaces us and automates submissions to article directories, to social media, blog comments. Aren’t we some lousy little cheaters? Maybe we do. Who cares, anyway? However, when it comes to PPC, whatever you do with the rest of your online money making methods, maybe you should remember that PPC is a real money game, where losses can hurt badly. And once you’ve acquired this wisdom, why wouldn’t you revise your methods and try to learn the proper way to make money online? For instance, you could learn how to make money with keywords. It can’t be that hard. I think you’d get there much faster than trying to take an illegal look at other people’s work in forums, work that is useless for you anyway, since you don’t have the main tool required by Pay Per Click:money.